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About Boulder Staging Homes

Highly Principled Home Staging

At Boulder Staging Homes, we believe that a well-staged home can tip the balance in your favor in the real estate marketplace. Our comprehensive assessment and staging process aligns the aesthetic appeal of your home with the interests of potential buyers. 

Our Approach
We provide an inclusive, personalized assessment of your property and what is required by the seller or in tandem with our professional staging team. This cohesive approach ensures your home sells faster and at a higher market value.
Our Team
Our experienced team members are certified by the IAHSP (international Assoc Home Staging Professionals) and we are dedicated to providing exceptional service and achieving outstanding results. We constantly stay abreast of market trends and buyer preferences to deliver top-class staging strategies.
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Welcome to Boulder Staging Homes

Attract Top Buyers With Custom Home Staging

Making your home appealing to the highest number of potential buyers for the best price.

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Our Services

Staging Services

Dive into our range of services specifically designed to maximize the appeal of your home to potential buyers. Each assessment is tailored to the individual needs of the home seller and aligns with current market trends.

Realtor Assistance

If your Realtor has engaged us, we can work closely with both of you to provide all the necessary staging services they have requested.  Our team is committed to making the staging process efficient and effective from start to finish.

Home Evaluation

Our team will thoroughly evaluate your property and determine the best staging strategy. The home evaluation includes a detailed assessment on how to maximize the potential of your space.

Staging Design

We craft a personalized staging design that highlights the unique features of your home and appeals to potential buyers. Our designs are always tailored to your home and the current market trends. Remember space sells, so reducing clutter, extra furniture and ensuring a neutral palette appears to Buyers.

Rental Furniture Enhancement

If you require rental furniture we can provide a contact that can deliver it to your home for you to set up. The addition of the right furniture can greatly enhance the overall staging design.

Professional Photography

It's important to get this right as once the Realtors have engaged the Photographers, you are ready to go! We aim to bring the staging design to life and make sure everything is perfect right down to the last detail before those photos.

Our Support

Even after the staging process is complete, we are here to answer any questions you may have and or provide support to your realtor. Let's get started and Stage your home so you can move on to the next adventure!! We continue our ongoing training by the knowledge of the  (International Association of Home Staging Professionals).


Get In Touch With Us

We're here for all your home staging needs. Contact us today to get your property ready to sell!

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Our Contact Information

Business hours: 9am - 4pm